Thursday, April 21, 2016

On the Computer Tab of the website, there is this website listed as a gaming site that allows you to program and create your own video game. I checked out the website and googled this website to learn about what is offered. It is a powerful cross-platform 3D engine that is user friendly. Beginners are welcome on this site to learn how to begin programming. It allows you to create 3D games and applications for your desktop, web, mobile device, and consoles. It's shocking that a beginner can utilize this program and actually create an entire world and characters by programming. I couldn't imagine being able to single handedly create something without having extensive knowledge and courses on the subject.
Dial Up Sound
Dial up internet first debuted to the public in 1989. The World was the first provider of internet that used dial up, a computer system that remotely accessed the internet through a telephone line. This sound is a sound anyone born later than the mid 90s will definitely remember. I was very young when we got our first desktop computer. When we turned on the internet it would make this noise, which is engrained in everyone's mind. This is the start of the internet.
My mom is a huge I Love Lucy fan, so I grew up watching reruns of this show. This scene can bring anyone to laughter because it appeals to any age group. Lucy is comical and continuously brings a light hearted feel to any scene. I found it hilarious at the end after Lucy and her friend were eating, hiding, and throwing chocolates in order to keep up with the exponentially increasing conveyer-belt that the boss shouted, "Speed it up!" It's interesting to see how far television shows have changed in the past few decades. The live audience alone adds a unique feel to the show. You can actually hear genuine laughter from viewers seeing the scene for the first time. The black and white isn't an edit, which is hard to wrap my head around that tv was just in black and white.

Invention of the Telephone

Alexander Graham Bell was a Scottish immigrant who taught deaf students. He was keen on experimenting and trying new things, lucky for us this experimenting led to the creation of the telephone. It's hard to imagine a time where cell phones didn't exist. I remember when I was much younger, my mom had a brick cell phone that had limited capabilities. It was simply to call and send texts, although texting wasn't popular. The extent of app-like features was the option to play the most basic game, 'Snake'. The first phone consumer was Mark Twain because he was able to afford the luxury of a phone. He was credited saying, "The human voice carries entirely too far as it is." That was interesting to imagine someone seeing the creation of the phone and thinking it wasn't the most ground breaking invention. How would people communicate or get anything done if they weren't able to speak to each other without being in person or mailing a letter?
History of the Battery
After reading through the timeline that details the creation and constant updates to the battery, I've learned numerous things that would have slipped by. A battery is an electric cell that actually contains negative and positive electrode and two conductors. Each of these parts work together to produce a chemical reaction that allows the battery to 'work'. Benjamin Franklin is coined with the name 'battery', but the actual creator of the battery is credited to Alessandro Volta. Advancements of this nature are mind blowing. It's hard to imagine someone being able to actually discover and create something. Some minds are able to imagine and then put their ideas to practice. I would've never learned about the history of batteries if it wasn't taught in this section of class. 

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Very First Amateur Photography Was Surprisingly Beautiful

Buzzed documented the incredible beginning timeline of photography, which really took off in 1888 due to Kodak's release of the first commercial camera. The article listed numerous photographs that were taken simply to document what was going on around them. However, it is apparent that many of these photographs look as if they were taken by skilled photographs even though they were amateurs. It's incredible to be able to have a way to look back in time and see how drastically different it was. The photograph's antique looking aesthetic, although it is natural, appears to give off an edited look which falls in line with many modern day photographer's goals. 

Photographing Time

I read through the timeline of photography and it was incredibly interesting. Something that specifically caught my eye was the first self portrait. The first self portrait was taken by Cornelius in 1839. It was interesting to imagine that there was a beginning to something that is currently known as a 'selfie'. People are constantly snapping selfies, or self portraits, and it was interesting to look back at the very first 'selfie' taken. 

Emile Cohl Fantasmagorie 1908

This is an extremely old video that was put together by Emile Cohl. The images run together smoothly without any choppiness. This animation is well put together, however the tone is unsettling. The creator was endlessly springing new scenes while marinating one focus. It was interesting to watch how the video would unfold second to second. This is incredibly creative and truly takes skill to create something this that at this time, I'm sure wasn't an easy task.